Once Upon a time this really was actually going to be the very first comic for DNPWWO. Yeah, I must have been in a really bad mood when I wrote it several years ago, because I just cut like, a […] ↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Here, have a overly cheerful thing I drew a few weeks ago.
Hey, it’s my once a season video game comic! So over the weekend, Blizzard announced their next WoW expansion… which received a slightly less positive response than the other expansions did.
Sorry, the trip to Alabama last weekend did a bit more of a number on me than expected. Comic will be up later on Friday.
We’re starting to put some of the original comic pages up for sale, starting with the very first chapter of Errant Story. So if you’re interested in original comic art you should totally go to my Etsy shop or the […] ↓ Read the rest of this entry…
So after two hundred comics, the project I started because I was burnt out has begun to burn me out as well. What’s worse for me is that the comics themselves just aren’t that funny or interesting right now. I […] ↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Really, it’s not intended as an April’s Fools Day comic. The image in the last panel was actually something I drew over a year ago but rejected at the time because it looked like crap, it mostly works when shrunk […] ↓ Read the rest of this entry…
The problem I’ve always had with writing holiday (or NotHoliday) themed comics is I never seem to come up with an idea until the day of. And when I’m out of town, no less… perhaps it’s due to boredom or something. […] ↓ Read the rest of this entry…
And now part two, let’s hope I can hurry up and get part three done because I have other scripts based on current events that are going stale. Also, it occurred to me too late, that I already had a […] ↓ Read the rest of this entry…