Wow, holy crap, my new comic is finally starting… sortof. To be more exact, it is in a state of approximate starting-ness. This is something of a soft launch for us to get all the kinks out and make sure […] ↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Yeah, that ended up a bit too bloody wordy, if you’d like to actually see all the extra little character bits, a wordless version can be found here.
…I still can’t draw a god damn cartoon pony to save my life, so have some humanized ones instead; (Yeah, I needed something to post here)
Let’s not do that again for a very, very long time.
The news post made to push the old late comic news post down. This is that post. Wheee…
The comic will be delayed as we kill ourselves getting ready for the giant road trip to A-kon.
We’re at Ikasucon with Viking-Sensei. We’ve got an action-packed weekend coming up, so here is the schedule of where you can find us. When we’re not doing panels, if the Dealer’s Room is open, that’s where we’ll be, and when […] ↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Sorry. I’m scrambling to get comics together but I got kind of triple reamed by RL events.
As anyone who watches this site has probably noticed, we’ve been having a lot of problems lately. Our updating schedule has fallen apart, and we’ve started missing release dates. You’d think with one comic about to end, things would actually […] ↓ Read the rest of this entry…