Huh. Could have sworn I had wrote a punchline for this comic, but I’m not seeing it anywhere in there. Also I totally stole the STD in the alt text from an old rpg named ‘HOL’.
Sorry about the delay, still more trips down to Alabama. Huh. I’ve done two hundred of these bloody things… Yay!
The problem I’ve always had with writing holiday (or NotHoliday) themed comics is I never seem to come up with an idea until the day of. And when I’m out of town, no less… perhaps it’s due to boredom or something. […] ↓ Read the rest of this entry…
And now part two, let’s hope I can hurry up and get part three done because I have other scripts based on current events that are going stale. Also, it occurred to me too late, that I already had a […] ↓ Read the rest of this entry…
And so this multipart comic comes to a close… errr, weeks and weeks after Black Friday. We had to change the last joke around a few times. Still not happy with it, but sometimes you just have to […] ↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Yeah, I’m not happy with this, I tried to do too many different things and jam too much in. Anyway, since it was quite a while before I played Bioshock Infinite, I already knew about the“What a Tweest!” crap going […] ↓ Read the rest of this entry…
This is the other Superman related comic I wrote recently. This seems to be the two most common complaints about the last Superman movie, the property damage caused in the last fight and the neck snapping scene at the […] ↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Curse my lack of completely scripting this page the first time, forcing me to come up with the Rocky Horror Show thing later on!