This is the 50th comic by the way… yeah, I probably should have switched some stuff around so one of the double comics ran today instead, to make it seem more special.
Hooray! It’s over! Now I can move on to the incredibly late Thanksgiving comic! Oh and the spiky bubbles on the first three panels are suppose to be Fran yelling… yeah, I should have found a better way to do […] ↓ Read the rest of this entry…
And this is what happens when I try to make myself do something about the playtest ruleset for the next edition of Dungeon and Dragons… and try to make some joke involving Naga.
Yeah… another bloody Skyrim comic. But I figured I really ought to do another one now that I finally played the damn DLC. Now, on the other comics I was mostly just making stuff up, but this… this is pretty […] ↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Wow… everybody has been running that ‘geek girl posers’ crap into the ground and giving the original stupid, stupid blog post way more press than it deserved.
Holy crap, it’s actually a comic continuing this particular storyline. Yeah, as I think I’ve said before , Nikki and her roommates started out as a separate story I was working on, which means they’re a bit more grim dark […] ↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Hey look, I actually wrote some comics featuring Fran and Naga again… who’d have thought it? Edit: Just in case anyone gets any ideas, Naga is a horrible, unscrupulous character. In real life it is much less funny to threaten […] ↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Yeah, it makes no sense that a vampire would have an uncovered window in their bed room, but I needed to put something in the back ground of that panel.