Back from dragoncon. Wow, I’m pretty sure at some point this was going to be 4 panel comic, but I kept having to rewrite the script because it just wasn’t feeling right.
And this page is what happens when I realize I need a comic in-between the two scripts I had prepared. But it works I think.
Curse my lack of completely scripting this page the first time, forcing me to come up with the Rocky Horror Show thing later on!
I was trying some sort of Iron Man inside the helmet thing with the 5th panel. It didn’t really work well. Which could be a problem since I had planed to use it a lot in a later series of […] ↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Not crazy with how I handled the talking over the phone speech balloons here, but they had to happen this way in order to make the comic work.
I went through a bunch of names for the super heroine character, originally it was going to be “Princess Beatdown” but that just sounded weird. “Princess Punchout” was also a choice for a while.
It occurred much too late that I could have made an actual fake twitter account in a tiny fraction of the time I spent drawing the one in panel three. Also, yeah. Personal flying drone cameras that can automatically follow […] ↓ Read the rest of this entry…
I was reading a list of vagina euphemisms looking for the fumiest one for that line in panel five when I saw someone had slipped ‘Jeremy Clarkson’ into the list and ended up laughing for a solid two minutes… followed […] ↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Originally, Princess Badass was actually going to have this fancy set-up in her gloves that could spray propanethiol S-oxide (basically onion mist) into her face to make her tear up. Suggesting that not only was this a common tactic of hers, but […] ↓ Read the rest of this entry…