No, really I could easily do another comic worth of all the stuff I end up finding mods for or modding myself by the time the game is three months old. Hell, just watching some Developer talk about Skyrim’s features […] ↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Taking a break from the sex bot thing. I had the hardest time picking which characters to use for this one, since the joke had formed in my head without actually having any characters saying it.
And we continue the trend of doing comics about pop culture stuff like a year after anyone would still care about it. Also you can tell I totally gave up on trying to draw the Frozen characters on model […] ↓ Read the rest of this entry…
You know, when I wrote this script weeks ago, I really assumed Bethesda would have release modding tools for Fallout 4 by the time the comic ran, and there’d be tons of nude mods for both genders and even in-between […] ↓ Read the rest of this entry…
The comic’s probably not that funny really. That what I get for writing a script while suffering a head cold. Also I seriously question Nintendo’s logic pulling their infamous artificial shortage sales technique for a product that has a far better […] ↓ Read the rest of this entry…
I’ve been trying to stay away from the political stuff lately, but this script had been sitting around for over a year, so I figured I better use it before it loses all relevance.
“I hate drawing people on couches… so clearly I should make a comic where I have to draw that in every bloody panel.”
As far as I know this particular bug is still happening. CD Project Red is apparently too busy fixing silly little minor glitches like the game refusing to load a savefile over 8mb, to deal with the real major issues […] ↓ Read the rest of this entry…