Believe it or not, these three comics were actually suppose to be one single page when I first wrote down the script. Yeah, even I think that seems insane now.
Sorry, about the quality of the line work in the last few comics. My hand has been a bit unsteady lately, or the tablet screen needs a cleaning and a new nib in the stylus, or a combination of all […] ↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Well that went dark real fast, and recent current events certainly did not help the flow of the story I started this story arc initially to parody some of the stuff going on in mainstream comics right now (and I […] ↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Cyrillic is a very strange alphabet, having a “в”, “ь”, and “ы” as different letters seems like it would be confusing as hell.
Apparently most real process servers never actually say “You’ve been served.” or at least they don’t what to admit to it.