Well that went dark real fast, and recent current events certainly did not help the flow of the story
I started this story arc initially to parody some of the stuff going on in mainstream comics right now (and I hadn’t made any comics with Craig and Jordan in awhile) but it just went all sorts of ways terrible. Maybe it was the story matter itself, maybe it was depression brought on by all the shitty news going on lately, maybe it was getting sick in the middle of it, or maybe a combination of all those things… at any rate, I’m ditching the story arc and wrapping it up early to move on to something a bit brighter and hopefully funnier.
Also I feel its important to remind everyone that the characters of Does Not Play Well With Others are explicitly intended to be utterly horrible people. They are not any sort of role models or examples of positive behavior. Their behavior and opinions should not be considered an reflection of my or anyone else’s beliefs.
We currently have no appearances booked for 2020. Stay tuned!
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