This is actually based around some ridiculous thing Vampire: the Masquerade put out after being pestered about the big “can WoD vampires have sex” question. The setting was clearly ripping off the sexless Ann Rice vampires, but at the same time, the writers knew that a giant chunk of their fan base were goth LARPers who’s primary interest in the game was that it (hopefully) got them laid a lot more than playing D&D would. So they came up with some game mechanics about using bloodpoints to force body parts to start working for a few hours. Now, please note this is the same game line that once used a full color illustration of vagina dentata as a back cover, so it was rather hilarious how prudish they were about the whole thing, even stating over and over again how the vampires totally don’t enjoy it at all and would only do such a thing when necessary for the sake of the masquerade.
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