One of the perils of writing a daily comic, is that you’re hard pressed to ditch an idea for a joke, no matter how weak it may actually be… not that this has anything to do with today’s comic, really.
You would not believe the time it took to name that last pony… every name I found was either way too stupidly porn-like to be funny, or sounded too much like an actual god damn pony.
“Wait, did you just have the brown earth pony die first?” “Uh… Yes. Yes, I did.” “Does that count as racist?” “Well, crap. Y’know, I’m not really sure…”
Hrm… Skyrim comes out today… probably should wait to buy it till the first round of mods start coming out.
Because Lord Naughtius totally needed an origin, I guess. You know, when I started this story, I had no idea The Yellow Kid and The King In Yellow came out at almost the same time. Creepy in some stupid way.