Despite setbacks like a broken finger and succumbing to the annual Winter Plague, we’re starting off the new year with a new site design for you to enjoy. However, we’re still figuring out all the things that aren’t working yet, so please be patient. If you see a problem, go ahead and post about it in the forum thread for this newspost, rather than e-mailing us. That way we won’t get a bunch of separate error reports to sort through, they’ll all be in one place where we can tackle them one at a time.
Also for the new year a bunch of new comics are going in the queue, so you can look forward to no missed updates for a little while. Impy’s broken finger is healed a bit now so she’s finally able to start getting caught up on the lettering.
Also also, we’ve made some changes to the Patreon campaign including new campaign goals and a new rewards tier, so please be sure to check that out and support the comic if you can.
As always, thank you so much for reading the comic. Here’s hoping 2015 is finally a good year completely devoid of any hospitalizations or other delays!