Since the sequel trilogy and related products met with lukewarm to outright hostile reactions, there seems to have been a move by Disney and various licencee holders to return to mining the original trilogy time period for new material. We see this in the Mandalorian, Jedi Fallen Order and most recently in Star Wars Squadron. The major problem with this is they already kind of shot themselves in the foot there since we already know the setting’s future. We already know that every victory the main characters might obtain, every sacrifice they might have to make is meaningless because it either changes nothing or it gets outright destroyed. And not even in far future either, in just twenty years or so. This makes it hard to actually care about their struggles at all. Baby Yoda will die or disappear, What’s His Face, the ginger from Fallen Order, ultimately changes nothing, and the New Republic that the heroic pilots of Vanguard Squadron are risking their lives to protect, shits the beds hard and then gets literally wiped out in about five minutes and never mentioned again just so the Sequel Trilogy characters can go back to being plucky rebels. Hell, even the imperial pilots are screwed, since we seen what freaking idiots they’ll get replaced by. So why should I care? At least the prequels were designed so that the eventual tragedy and fall were a major point of the story.
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